
Be mentally healthy company

to boost productivity

Your professional mental well-being partner

Work Stress is Real

And it greatly disrupts
various aspects of life

But everyone deserves
a happy & meaningful life

Healthy Company

Happy Employee

Boost Productivity

We are here to help you taking care of

employee's mental-wellbeing

Licensed Psychologists
Certified & experienced Psychologists
Privacy Confidentiality
Personal data and privacy are safe
Customized Program
Adjustable Psychological Service

We provide psychological services for your company

Please choose the one which fits your needs

Speaker Invitation

Psychoeducation through in-house seminar

Mental Health Counseling

1 on 1 counseling with Licensed Psychologist

Mental Health Assessment

Mental health check for your employee

What they said about us

- Company Testimony -

The participants were very enthusiastic about the event theme that was presented, even there were many questions that they actually wanted to ask. Due to time constraints, hopefully, it can be continued again in the next HCTALK. Peserta sangat antusias sekali dengan tema acara yg di sampaikan, sangat banyak pertanyaan yang sebetulnya ingin ditanyakan, karna keterbatasan waktu saja, semoga nanti bisa dilanjutkan kembali di HCTALK selanjutnya
PT. Pegadaian
The psychologist is kind and friendly, making it enjoyable to partnership with her. The material that was presented is also easy to understand and suitable to the young audience.

Psikolog baik dan ramah sehingga senang dapat bekerja sama dengan beliau, penyampaian materi juga mudah dipahami dan menyesuaikan dengan audience yang mayoritas berusia muda
Thank you for the very useful knowledge and the delivery that makes us enjoy it and not feel tense.

Terimakasih karena ilmu yg sangat bermanfaat dan juga pembawaannya yg bisa buat kita enjoy Dan ngga tegang
UPN Veteran Jakarta
Psychologist are very communicative, warm, wise in responding to participant's questions (without judging, providing positive and constructive words), friendly, and don't burden us as their partners.

Psikolog sangat komunikatif, hangat, bijaksana dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta (tidak menghakimi, kata2 yg diberikan positif & membangun), ramah, dan tidak memberatkan kami sebagai partnernya
Generation Girl

Hopeful Partner


See more about

HPC's Partnership Portofolio


It's time to be mentally healthy company

Consult your needs with our team
Customize program according your needs
Create a hopeful program for your company


Schedule a free live demo with our team to have perfect package for your company.

In this demo, our team will show you:
  • Our mental health program for company
  • Customized program according your needs
Name - Company
WhatsApp Number
`Book now!

The greatest asset of a company is mentally healthy employee

From unengage and distractful employee
To productive and mentally health employee
Contact Us
Genius Idea, Menara Suara Merdeka Lantai 11, Jl. Pandanaran No.30, Pekunden, Kec. Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, 50134
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@2025 Hope Psychology Center Inc.