
A hope for your darkest moment

to have a meaningful life

Mentally Healthy

Self Clarity

Live Hopefully

Stop worry about

your mental health

It might feels frustrating

But life is too short to live hopelessly


We understand your struggles and

We are ready to help you

Certified & experienced Psychologist
Personal data & privacy 100% safe
Easy, simple, yet comprehensive psychological assessment
Customized program to adjust your needs

What they said about us

-Individual Testimony-

I am very grateful to psychologist. The counseling sessions here helped me understand myself better and find solutions to the problems I was facing. My psychologist was very patient and understanding, making me feel heard and valued๐Ÿ˜-

Aku sangat berterima kasih banget buat psikolognya. Sesi konseling di sini membantuku memahami diriku sendiri dan menemukan solusi untuk masalah yang aku hadapi. Psikolognya juga sangat sabar dan pengertian, bener-bener aku merasa didengar dan dihargai ๐Ÿ˜-

P / 25 years old
After a few counseling sessions, I felt a significant change within myself. I am better able to cope with stress and more optimistic about the future. Thanks to my psychologist for always supporting me and providing practical solutions

Setelah beberapa sesi konseling, saya merasakan perubahan besar dalam diri saya. Saya lebih mampu mengatasi stres dan lebih optimis tentang masa depan. Terima kasih kepada psikolog saya yang selalu mendukung dan memberikan solusi ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’“-
M / 32 years old
The psychologist was very friendly, kind, and listened very patiently. The psychologist was able to provide understandable guidance and made me feel comfortable sharing while talking with her

Psikolognya sangat ramah, baik dan mendengarkan dengan sangat sabar. Psikolognya dapat memberi arahan yang dapat dimengerti dengan baik, dan membuat nyaman untuk bercerita.

V / 37 years old
Feeling relieved after sharing with my psychologist, and hopefully, after reaching the same conclusion as my previous choice, I can apply it to my life.

Saya merasa lega setelah sharing dan setelah saya melakukan beberapa sesi konseling dengan psikolog akhirnya saya mendapatkan kesimpulan yang bisa saya terapkan dalam kehidupan saya

L / 41 years old

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-Corporate Testimony-

The participants were very enthusiastic about the event theme that was presented, even there were many questions that they actually wanted to ask. Due to time constraints, hopefully, it can be continued again in the next HCTALK.

Peserta sangat antusias sekali dengan tema acara yg di sampaikan, sangat banyak pertanyaan yang sebetulnya ingin ditanyakan, karna keterbatasan waktu saja, semoga nanti bisa dilanjutkan kembali di HCTALK selanjutnya
PT. Pegadaian
The psychologist is kind and friendly, making it enjoyable to partnership with her. The material that was presented is also easy to understand and suitable to the young audience.

Psikolog baik dan ramah sehingga senang dapat bekerja sama dengan beliau, penyampaian materi juga mudah dipahami dan menyesuaikan dengan audience yang mayoritas berusia muda

Thank you for the very useful knowledge and the delivery that makes us enjoy it and not feel tense.

Terimakasih karena ilmu yg sangat bermanfaat dan juga pembawaannya yg bisa buat kita enjoy Dan ngga tegang

UPN Veteran Jakarta
Psychologist are very communicative, warm, wise in responding to participant's questions (without judging, providing positive and constructive words), friendly, and don't burden us as their partners.

Psikolog sangat komunikatif, hangat, bijaksana dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta (tidak menghakimi, kata2 yg diberikan positif & membangun), ramah, dan tidak memberatkan kami sebagai partnernya
Generation Girl

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Create a Hopeful Life with us

Don't be trapped over the same problem

With Hope Psychology Center

Helpless & Confused now,

Hopeful & Meaningful tomorrow




Dalam e-book ini terdapat 7 tips penting untuk kamu dapat lakukan agar kesehatan mental kamu meningkat, mulai dari tindakan pertama ketika kamu sedang tidak baik-baik saja sampai bagaimana menjaga kesehatan mental kamu tetap prima
No. WA
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Genius Idea, Menara Suara Merdeka Lantai 11, Jl. Pandanaran No.30, Pekunden, Kec. Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, 50134
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@2025 Hope Psychology Center Inc.